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Rachel McMillan Nursery School and Childrens Centre

Rachel McMillan Nursery School
and Children's Centre

Our Vision

At Rachel McMillan Nursery School our aims are:

  • To enable children and adults to develop as confident, happy, independent, able learners
  • To develop children’s confidence, self-esteem and self-expression
  • To build on children’s experiences, knowledge, culture and beliefs by providing a rich variety of play experiences
  • To help children learn about cultural diversity
  • To promote a harmonious, respectful society
  • To provide a calm, welcoming and supportive environment
  • To provide a safe and stimulating place to learn and work
  • To make a place where everybody’s views and contributions are valued
  • To encourage family involvement in Nursery School life
  • To share information and knowledge with mums, dads and carers about their child
  • To aid smooth transitions from home to Nursery School and Nursery School to Primary School
  • To lay a positive foundation for future learning
  • To make learning fun

We Believe That All Children:

  • Have the right to learn and play
  • Come to nursery with a great deal of knowledge and experience
  • Are more likely to develop as learners if they are happy and secure and have a sense of well being
  • Are enthusiastic and receptive learners with a natural curiosity
  • Should feel safe to make, and learn from, mistakes.
  • Are unique individuals and are entitled to have the opportunity to learn at their own pace and in their own way
  • Learn most effectively through active investigation, enquiry, first-hand experience, play and talk
  • Need time and space to engage in activities in depth and time to follow through, consolidate and reflect upon their own learning
  • Are natural communicators and need a range of opportunities to interact with peers and adults